Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Week 2 Completed :)

Wow Team, you really are on fire now. This week we nearly doubled in size and have nearly 50 members. Yesterday we had eight sign ups (so far that is the record for a 24 hour period) and this morning early already two new sign ups. At this rate we will be getting to 100 before our first month is over.

The Pay It Forward system is working well, just minor problems when someone uses a credit card to pay on AlertPay, please note that the commission charged to the receiver is higher and so you need to read the post on the Ning to make sure you know how much to send.

Rafael and Johan have done excellent work on the advertising materials and also on advertising venues and we have not had a day yet where we have not received at least two sign ups.

Please keep advertising and I will try to appoint new people as soon as possible to your matrix.

My house is now looking like an Air Traffic Control centre with blackboards and post it notes everywhere and every morning when I log into our email account I get a genuine thrill when I see the new people waiting to join us.

Keep going team, together we WILL make it.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Post Your Good News Here

This post was suggested by a team member, who thinks it would be good if everyone who has been paid could confirm they have been paid.
So I will start the ball rolling.
In my first week with PIF I was paid $30.00 for completing my own matrix.
In my second week I was paid $33.00 for the matching bonuses on my three personal referrals.
The money appeared in my AlertPay account on Friday evening on both occasions. I did not have to request pay out, it happens automatically.

Today I have earned another $11.00 because my final personal referral has just completed her first bronze matrix.

I now have my third bronze matrix and my first silver matrix started.

I want to get everyone cycling like mad through the four levels of matrices, so that we get paid every week.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

We Are One Week Old Now

Hello everyone

It is exactly one week ago now that I could not sleep and whilst being irritated by that, the idea suddenly came to me to start this group and to just 'do it' rather than think how nice it would be if such a group existed.

At the time I had two personal sign ups, I call them 'my girls' in my mind, and I felt that I wanted all three of us to succeed and make other people succeed at the same time. So I got up and wrote the blog post that started all this.

Here we are, one week later, and we have 30 people in the group. Now I realize 30 people is not that much, certainly not in terms of the number of people who work on the internet, but it is a ten-fold increase, and we have only just begun.

It has been a steep learning curve for everyone, I still need to learn to use my super duper Auto Responder, and I am sure I will master it eventually :) I also need to learn to design banners, and more important, how to post them. The list of things to do is endless, but at the end of each day I go to bed exhausted and exhilarated in equal measure.

Three of the group have completed their first matrix, number four is nearly there and there is movement each and every day. We have our Ning network set up where we can meet each other, swap ideas, make suggestions and generally just discuss strategies. Some people have said we do need properly designed pages, and I agree, though at the same time several people have joined because it is all so home-made and home-spun and not flashy. I guess it all depends on personal preference.

I cannot tell you how excited and happy I am that this whole project is working and is helping people to start earning on the internet. Let's keep it friendly and easy and do the best we can. Above all, let's enjoy the experience of working with others and earning together.

I read this today and I think it sums up how I feel

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing you will be successful.

I wish you all happiness and please keep doing what you are doing, it is working :) Thank you

Monday, 15 February 2010

Ning Network Set Up and Running

Ok, the Ning network is now set up and running. Please read the posts and comment on them, so I know your opinions on things.

If you have not received an invitation to the network, please let me know and I will send it again.

Two more sign ups overnight :)

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Keep Doing What You Are Doing

Hello everyone, just a quick update. Our team has grown again and we now have 25 members - we are getting on average 3-4 sign ups each day. Jacqui's matrix is actually ready, but there has been a failure from 4x1 to register her sixth sign up and we have written to them asking them to sort it out. Laura only needs one more sign up and she will have cycled too. The four people sitting underneath them have two sign-ups, apart from one who has just one sign up. As soon as we have that line finished, we shall start on the next line.

We currently have 28 places available for sponsoring.!!

There appears to be some confusion about the benefit of sponsoring people.
Everyone, regardless of whether they have personal sign ups or not will cycle and will get paid the money attached to the level of the small matrix they are in at that moment. However, if you have personal sign ups you will also get a bonus when your personally sponsored person completes their matrix. In the bronze matrix that is £11.00, so in fact you are getting back the money you paid forward for that person in the first place. In the last matrix, platinum, your matching bonus for a personal referral is a whopping $200.00, at which point you will be cycling round and round four small matrices, picking up your own cycling money and the cycling bonuses of anyone you paid for as well. So I regard paying someone into the matrix not an onerous duty, but a privilege, it helps them and it certainly also helps me.

If there are people within the matrix who eventually decline to pay anyone forward, I am fairly sure there will be others within the group who will be only too happy to do it, as the benefits of personal sponsoring far outweigh the $11.00 it costs - don't forget this is a one time fee.

Someone wrote to me and said she has spoken to her friends, who were fed up with matrices and say they do not work. All I can say to that is, let them join, let us pay them in and let us show them that with 4x1 and our small team, it will work and they will get paid. They have nothing to lose, because it has not cost them anything to join and once they see the system work, they will probably be only too happy to sponsor people themselves.

Am working on setting up the Autoresponder and the Ning network, so that communication will be easier. Keep an eye out for the letter inviting you to join the Ning network, we can then speak in privacy and start working out difficulties in the system and explore different things that may work to our mutual advantage.

In the meantime, please keep doing what you are doing, it is working and we will all earn together. Hope your Valentine's day is a good one.

Friday, 12 February 2010

You Rock

Just a quick post today to all members of this group. Want to say you rock and this group is simply the best. There is a real buzz and people are excited and working together, never experienced anything like this before. Let's really get going this weekend and kick Jacqui and Laura out of their matrices and start filling the ones below.

A quote I read and I find inspiring

There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life -- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind -- are always attained by giving them to someone else.

I say no more :) let's go

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Team Letter Issue 2 :)

Hello everyone on the team.
I originally sent this as a normal email but gmail in its infinite wisdom decided this was spam, and would not send it. Tomorrow I will finally join a well-known AutoResponder and will be able to send you all an update on what is happening, but for now this is the fastest way to communicate with you all.

Hello Everyone

Welcome to the newest members of the team. Thank you for having faith in us, let us do something good for other people and for ourselves at the same time.

Today again our team has grown, and we have four new sign ups again. I have a further two I am waiting to hear back from, but have a very early patient tomorrow morning, so it will have to be tomorrow late morning because I need to get some sleep.

There are some problems with AlertPay, but unfortunately that is the only processor the company accepts and though it is frustrating we shall have to try and work with it I guess.

Few little points.

I can only see the people that are on my first and second lines, nothing beyond that. This means that I do not know the link numbers from the people who are below Graham, Katrin, Stephen and Marsha. Please if you get a sign up can you let me have their email address so I can include them in the team letter mailing and more importantly contact them when I have someone that wants to sign up with them, and also their link number, so that I can put it on my list for sending to the prospect when the time arrives.

Communication - because we all live in different parts of the world this will always show a time lapse. Most of us have commitments besides the internet as well, like families and jobs, so there may sometimes be a time when the sign up does not happen as fast as we might like. I have started using Google chat which you get with a gmail account, and it is very quick and efficient. Anyone using gmail please use it. I did have a Skype account but it is overrun by spammers so will see if I can add another one at some point.

Advertising. We are getting nice result with the blog page and the splash. One of our team has also sent out a great ad to a safe-list that leads to the splash page. If you can spare the credits please advertise the two links, they seem to work better than the page with the screechy woman :)

These are the links


Final point

I have never run a group before, so if I am doing it wrong please let me know or if there are ways you can think of to make the whole process run more smoothly

Thanks everyone, you are a great team and I have a feeling we shall make a success of this as long as we keep plugging away at it.

Keep smiling :)


Wednesday, 10 February 2010

About The 4x1 Fortune Plan

You join our program for only $11.00, (except that we will pay your way in, i.e. someone else will pay your initial $11.00 fee) and you are entered into the Bronze Level Matrix. Everyone starts at the Bronze Level. At NO additional out-of-pocket costs, you can CYCLE into the Silver, Gold, and Platinum Level matrices. That's the beauty of our AUTOMATIC upgrade system. Each matrix level pays a higher commission. You'll earn $30 to $550 per CYCLE plus a Matching Bonus on personal referral cycles. Brilliant!!


Bronze Level - $11 Entry, pays $30 per cycle and $11 Matching Bonus

Silver Level - $40 Entry, pays $110 per cycle and $40 Matching Bonus

Gold Level - $100 Entry, pays $275 per cycle and $100 Matching Bonus

Platinum Level - $200 Entry, pays $550 per cycle and $200 Matching Bonus

At the moment we have 18 places available, so you can join us for free, with a commitment that in the future you will pay for 3 people to join as well, this enables you to see the system at work and experience overspill and underspill from the people who have already joined. Start building your matrix today and join us now. To join our team, please write to pi4ward4a4tune requesting a place, and we will send you the link of the person who is next in line to receive a referral. You join and they will pay your fee and you can start promoting. Your email will not be used for any purpose other than to organize your entry into the team and for team updates, no spam, no selling or hiring out etc. Join us today and start building your program now.

We Are Up And Running

Welcome to the blog of Pay It Forward for a Fortune. I know that a blog is not the best way to set up a group that is working together, and believe me, I am just waiting for the person who has programming and designing experience to get this whole thing set up more professionally.

In the meantime, a blog will have to do. Please bookmark this blog so you can find it again.

The first thing we need to do is get two lists. One with people who want to pay it forward for other people into 4x1 Fortune, and one with people who would like to be sponsored and who can commit to paying forward three people when it is their turn.

For more information fill in the box on the right side of the blog with your First name and your email address and I will send you an email (1 only I promise) with more information.

At the moment I can still pay forward to further referrals, on a first come first served basis, so if you are interested drop me a line at the above email address and we will get the ball rolling.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Paying It Forward In The Name Of Enlightened Self-Interest

Do you remember the film called 'Pay it Forward' with Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt and Haley Joel Osment? I really enjoyed that film and its message that if we help other people without letting them pay us back, and they help other people in their turn, then the whole world would ultimately be a better place.

Now I know, I could help some people and they may just shrug their shoulders and not Pay It Forward to the next person and in theory then, the whole thing would fall apart and the world would not become a better place at all. And this is of course what does happen, some people who have received gifts or favours from others do not pass it on to others and selfishly sit on their little pile and stay there.

But even if not all the people Paid It Forward does that mean the world did not actually improve at all?

Say I paid for three people to join a programme that has a one time only fee, and two of those people decided to do the same thing and pay it forward for three people each, but the third person did not. Do the maths, my one act of paying forward has helped nine people, not 12. And though the maths may not be as perfect as a 100% success rate, it still has caused a change in the lives of nine people.

Now how about, if the paying it forward also actually helped the original person, in this case, me. It would then become a case of enlightened self-interest. By helping three people into a position where they can earn good money, I am also helping myself to earn good money. That sounds ok to me. My sponsor paid it forward for me, I now want to do the same for the first three people that request the same from me. The cost to me will be $33.00 for those three people, the return will be significantly more.

So, if you are interested contact me either by writing to me at or by sending me a PM on TrafficEra, where I surf as sekhmetgb. You email will not be sold, rented out, given away, or in any way used to spam you, it will only be used for details regarding the pif scheme for 4x1 Fortune.