Monday, 22 February 2010

Post Your Good News Here

This post was suggested by a team member, who thinks it would be good if everyone who has been paid could confirm they have been paid.
So I will start the ball rolling.
In my first week with PIF I was paid $30.00 for completing my own matrix.
In my second week I was paid $33.00 for the matching bonuses on my three personal referrals.
The money appeared in my AlertPay account on Friday evening on both occasions. I did not have to request pay out, it happens automatically.

Today I have earned another $11.00 because my final personal referral has just completed her first bronze matrix.

I now have my third bronze matrix and my first silver matrix started.

I want to get everyone cycling like mad through the four levels of matrices, so that we get paid every week.


  1. First week paid me $30 after cycling! Looking forward to bonus/referral money yet to come!

  2. Automatically paid $30 when I cycled the first week and also paid that same day for a referral cycling. Two more referrals due to cycle! The momentum is incredible!

  3. Huray this team does a greaqt job !!!

    I joined 2 weeks ago.

    My position in de 4X1 was paid for me by my sponsor.

    and in just 2 weeks I cycled !!!!

    THANKS TEAM !!!!!!!!!!
